Tap Stroke
RELEASE 2006-04-25
Tap Stroke
RELEASE 2006-04-25
played by Funk' d' Void, M.A.N.D.Y., James Flavour, David Duriez
Fumakilla venture in international artist directions this time. Up is newcomer Jonathan Troupin aka JONA (upcoming releases on Get Physical Music, etc), who delivers an easy (not leightweight!) , clean and highly usable ultrasturdy clicked out dance floor 2 tracker. “Operation O” and “Monjey Money” are both extremely well crafted ventures into pounding crunchy and hi densed fluffy minimal house. a cutting edge techfunk eclectism with high presence which has to be his signature sound by now and the sound system you play this on can just not be big enough. Jona tracks catch you from “outside in", intense storming bleeped out electro house freakiness, with enough variation & stamina for a true dance floor bonanza!!! Jonathan Troupin was born in 1983 in Liège, Belgium. His background is technical (audio engineer since 2000) as well as musical (he has been playing the guitar for 12 years). He’s not a “one lucky shot” producer but always trying to explore new ways of sounding…making emotions talk. like fumakilla. so get on and get both in one!
DE BUG (GER) 06.2006 review:
“Jona hat bald alle wichtigen Label durch. Gut so, denn ich bekomme von seinem Sound einfach nicht genug. Wenn man nach einem Trademark sucht, dann sind es diese abenteuerlich perlenden fast Xylophonartigen Motive die sich über die Tracks verteilen, wie auch auf "Operation O" aber ansonsten schafft er es wirklich ständig für jeden Track ein eigenes Universum zu erfinden. Manchmal mag man ja wenn Leute sehr wiedererkennbar produzieren, aber bei Jona liebt man es vor allem, dass jedest Stück auf seine Weise einzigartig ist. Hier rockt es wieder direkter, aber alles andere als böse und für "Money Money" wird Trance noch mal eben neu erfunden als Popmusik für alle die zwischen Schunkeln und Deepness keinen Unterschied sehen.”
Funk' d' Void: “ Fantastic groove, my kind of minimal! Tap Stroke is fantastic"
M.A.N.D.Y.: “...A-Seite wie gewohnt frisch und munter. Daumen Hoch!”
James Flavour (Dirt Crew): “Both sides are cool. This guy is very talented!”
David Duriez: “i really like Tap Stroke. it's a good track that build nicely. Playing it. Jonathan is an upcoming talent to follow.”